Monday, February 25, 2008

Sex & the people of the city.

die ckp esok dah takde dah bnde ni kat blog die...
usha la sane..

by bendaaneh

Sex & the people of the city.

It was one of those normal nights where I happily surfing the net and at the same time busy managing my personal blog when all of the sudden an uncivilized person, a man, I believe, left me a very disturbing and petty sexist slur. I was taken aback by it. It’s not as if I am not used to dirty words or whatsoever. But the fact that I have left this childish name-calling game years ago about the same time I left my pre-puberty days, made me feel like soo old fashioned when an incredibly anonymous man came in and posted a sexist slur that includes the female private part. Anyways, you are not really anonymous lah Mr Babisayang (as he named himself and no I didn’t make this up). I know you’re from some ceruk in Puchong, Selangor. 60.48.186.# is your IP address and (smirk) guna dial-up ke bang? Pathethic. Thank you technology. Anyways, I gotta thank him for being childish because if he didn’t, I will still be scratching my head right now, wondering what else to wrote for kasikampus.

This occurrence really makes me wander, how far can a person go in harassing us, sexually. Does sexual harassment means something only when verbal touches are involved? What about the non-verbal ones? What about making funny mouse-like sound every time a girl passes by? What about commenting about the voluptuous figure of an unassuming passer by out loud? What about winking endlessly to a woman who looks terribly have zero interest at you? On a more personal note, as long as a woman is offended and felt extremely uncomfortable by your actions, you have committed a sexual harassment towards her. You may think there is no harm in calling her sayang or adik manis when she’s obviously not related to you in any way, but she might not feel the same. She might think it’s completely not okay for you to call her sayang unless she’s married to you. Women have the right to feel free and at peace whenever she steps out of her house and into the real world where various type of people lurking at every inch of this world. I know not one woman that feel honored when she was given the lustful stares and dissipated smiles from strangers who looks like he is more than eager to strip you down that instant and what more if you are called names.

I think our people are still not aware that they are offending women everyday in their sad lives. They are unaware that their actions are much loathed by women. Funny thing is, we women are helplessly succumbed to this kind of harassment, verbally or non-verbally. We never lash out to those men who downgraded us. We chose to be silent and stick to the “tidak apa” attitude. I mean, I know you are offended, big time, when those guys with brain smaller than their dick started to make that annoying smoochy-kissy sound in hope that you will throw a glance at them. Some of you might turned you head in their way automatically only to see them smiling with their wide icky teeth sticking out like disorderly Popsicle sticks, because your head is programmed to turn your head in respond to that kind of sound. Some of us might resort to technology to ward off unwanted harassment. For instance, I plug my ears with earphones and setting the volume of my CD player at the max every time I walk out of the door. Nothing beats the feeling when I successfully ignored any stranger trying to pick me up with silly pick up lines. If I were to walk alone sans my CD player, I’ll be dead halfway through. Yes. I am guilty for being ignorant towards the harassments. What can a girl possibly do? Make a police report every single time when she was stared or every time she feels annoyed or harassed? The only thing that I am sure the police officer might offer her is to tell her to go back and straighten up her PMS. Who would take us seriously?

When it comes to sexual education, we Malaysians are a badly informed lot. Sexual education does not necessarily mean to show our children how to do it. And if we didn’t educate them about sex or even sexual intercourse, they will eventually learn it the easy way, the DVD way. And I guess that’s where 99% of Malaysian population learns what and where to insert whatever it is to be inserted. Sex education is more than that. It is more than penis and vagina. Telling what part is okay to be touch by people and what part are strictly off limits is one of the early sex education that we can give to our children. I am not being oh-so-modern shits and all but, I wonder why we are so afraid of the word sex. It’s a taboo to speak openly about sex. Yes, we are the eastern people living in the east where the most polite people on earth are claimed to be, living in this piece of land. Tell me, if we are so polite, then why are kids being kidnapped, raped and eventually killed? Why do our so-called educated menteri uses the F word in the parliament? If we are so polite, then why Kempen Budi Bahasa is even necessary? Isn’t it ironic?

Any person who fights for sex education to be inserted into the syllabus as a part of the education will be considered as insensitive and critiqued as being slightly too western-thinking. We Malaysians claim ourselves to be the oh-so-advanced-and-the most-open-minded-people-in-the-east, but still, we can’t even tolerate Faizal Tahir’s infamous shirt off incident and what more sex education being introduced to the youngsters. It’s proven. We are not so open-minded after all.

I’m rooting for a change. Are you in?


Yanayano said...

i am, i love your blog :)

Anonymous said...

salute ur style of thinking =)

Syarifah Hadli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Syarifah Hadli said...

tengs people!
thanks yanayano & youngspirit.

err..actually this isn't my blog.
the owner c&p the posting in my personal blog (which is much appreciated. tengs boikotan!)

for my rantings, do check me out at
